Sam's 1st day

Sam's 1st day
hello world

Friday, August 19, 2011

Unlikely Heroes

I have had a few heroes over the course of my lifetime. I can remember my first. He was my grandpa Anderson. He was awesome. I used to think that he could do anything and I never ever thought that he was old...He used to take me on bike rides and he let me help him in the garden and he even showed me how to climb up the fig tree in the back yard. I can remember being just big enough to see over the window in the car when he would let me ride with him to the store. I loved that man. Samuel's middle name is in honor of him, but as I got older I realized as awesome as he was he was just a man and he wasn't invincible ...he passed away when I was 16. Not long after that I discovered the comedy of Gilda Radner and Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett...and they became my heroes for a time...Over the years my heroes have changed depending on what was going on in my life at the time. My dad, of course, will always be my hero...I can see my mom rolling her eyes as she reads this, but because of my relationship to my earthly father I have a good one with my heavenly father and that's why he's my hero....My sister is another one of my most recent heroes.. She is a labor and delivery nurse and a really great one at that. She was with me from beginning to end when I delivered Samuel...She was my cheerleader, coach, nurse , and sister all rolled into one. She is the kind of nurse that will look out for her patients no matter what even if that means standing up to an arrogant, know-it-all Dr...the kind of nurse who will stay with a the clock..if they ask her...and  she's been a shoulder to cry on for some as well....I have had the great honor over the course of the last 11months to meet some very unlikely heroes......My friend, Heather, for one of my heroes...she keeps going forward and opening new doors when the old ones have been slammed in her face....Ellen M. whose son is fighting for his life...and she celebrates each day to the fullest..never taking anything for granted...the nurses in the CICU and Step down at Sibley Heart center are definitely my heroes...they took care of me as well as Samuel.....My friends Gabby and Kathy who are my go to gals when I need prayer and I can't do it myself...super heroes....For all the families and children fighting everyday just to live another heroes...It's funny how heroes change. What I consider heroic today was not at all what I would have considered heroic back in the day......

        I have been reflecting alot over the last few weeks...mainly because Sam is about to turn 1 this Septemeber...What a year it has been.  If I added up everything that I have learned I could probably wallpaper China...just's been an up and down road, I would like to say that I wouldn't have changed a thing, but gimme a break!!!!! that's ridiculous...of course I would have chaged some stuff....however, I adore my son and the experiences we have had together over the months have changed who I am and how I view things and how I respond to certain situations. I could still be better...or could I ?? anyhoo....he's awesome and as he was getting his 1st haircut yesterday I thought, " we've come a long way".......

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